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Referat: Binge drinking

Alles zu GB - England - United Kingdom

Binge drinking

Definition: Binge drinking means drinking as much alcohol as possible as quickly as possible until you
get unconscious.
A) Facts
Hospital admissions of binge drinking young women have more than doubled in less than 10 years
1996 – 97 were 194 discharged of both sexes between the ages of 18 and 24, and 94 of both sexes aged under 18, because of alcohol abuse
alcohol sales have gone up by 10% in a year
at home people do parties in affluent areas, when parents make out-of-town trips and at school they drink from water bottles with liquor in them
B) Affected people
A survey showed that richer people are more affected than poorer ones.

the wealthy people:
it starts at high school
the wealthy people have the money to buy alcohol
alcohol has a glamorous appeal

the poor people:
they don’t have money for alcohol
alcohol has a less glamorous appeal in poorer communities
C) Reasons
feeling lonely or under pressure
trying to drink alcohol because others do it too
being cool
being addicted to alcohol
D) Problems
parents don’t want to realise that their children are addicted to alcohol
drunk people shouting on the streets and disturbing residents
fights on the street
becoming addicted
alcohol abuse for longer time: organs getting damaged, for example: liver and heart
if you drink too much alcohol you can die

E) Solutions
Ministers hope the permission for pubs to stay open for 24h will be the end for the high levels of binge drinking.
rising the price by 10%, ministers think that the number of alcohol-related deaths could be dropped by a third
fines for hosts who are involved in underage drinking
they must pay for police, medical or other emergency services

- affluent wohlhabend
- fine Geldstrafe
- affluent area wohlhabendere Gegend
- to affect wirken auf
- affected peoples betroffene Leute
- to involve (in) verwickeln (in)
- permission Erlaubnis
- wealthy wohlhabend, reich
- survey Umfrage, Untersuchung
- hosts Gastgeber
- residents Anwohner

- discharge from hospital Entlassung aus dem Krankenhaus
- unconscious bewusstlos
- organs Organe
- liver Leber
- bingeing Besäufnis(se)
- binge drinking Saufgelage, Besäufnis
- alcohol-withdrawal Alkoholentzug
- addiction Sucht, Abhängigkeit
- consumption Konsum
- drunk betrunken
- liquor alkoholisches Getränk
- alcohol abuse Alkoholmissbrauch
"Binge Drinking"
Referat-/Vortragsvorlage, Sprechzettel
* Definition
* Fakten
* Betroffene
* Gründe
* Probleme
* Lösungen

* Vokabelliste

(eine Seite Vortrag + eine halbe Seite Vokabeln = ) (384 Wörter)
von unbekannt
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